Sandmann Lawyer L. Lin Wood Offers to Represent 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Pro Bono

by Debra Heine


The attorney who is representing Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann has offered to represent the Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse pro bono.

Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Illinois resident, was arrested by police on Wednesday for first-degree murder after he allegedly fatally shot two rioters, and wounded another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Tuesday evening.

The shooting took place around 11:45 p.m. near a car dealership as antifa/BLM rioters rampaged through town for the third night in a row following the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake.

According to independent journalists reporting from the scene, Rittenhouse was part of an armed group that was there to protect local businesses. He was also spotted cleaning graffiti the day of the shooting.

L. Lin Wood announced on Twitter Thursday morning that his colleague John Pierce had assembled a legal team to defend Rittenhouse, and they were ready to fly out to Wisconsin to meet with the family as soon as tonight. He and his team are currently trying to make contact with the Rittenhouse family.

Wood announced the formation of the #FightBack Foundation in a series of tweets last week, explaining that it was being established “to promote social welfare through advocacy for fair treatment of individuals & entities with respect to their civil & constitutional rights,” concerning a number of civil rights violations against conservatives.

1. Surveillance abuse in violation of Constitution & statutes 2. Overuse or misuse of Sec. 230 of Communication Decency Act 3. Insuring basic degree of social order & republican govern’t. in cities & states guaranteed by Constitution 4. Human trafficking & 5. religious liberty.

Wood said that the foundation would also provide resources to aid individuals pursuing litigation relating to defamation.

The attorney has sued a number of news organizations for defamation against his client Sandmann related to their maliciously sloppy and inaccurate reporting following his viral confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips in Washington DC following the March For Life, last year. Both the Washington Post and CNN have settled with Sandmann for undisclosed terms in $250 million lawsuits.

In a subsequent tweet Thursday, Wood noted that conservative writer and commentator Michelle Malkin was also helping with the effort.

“This young man needs & deserves courageous legal counsel who will fight for him. John is ready to do so & others will join him,” Wood wrote.  “The fight is for Kyle and for ALL Freedom Loving Americans.”

The New York Times on Thursday published a excellent timeline of all of Rittenhouse’s movements on the night of the shooting.

The timeline strongly suggests that the boy, who was there to protect businesses and care for the wounded, acted in self-defense.

At any rate, a fair reading of the circumstances that led to the shooting would conclude that the charge of murder in the first degree is way off the mark.

Wednesday evening, Wood indicated on Twitter that he would do what he could to help the teen pro bono.

“If there is something I can do, Kyle will not need to pay me,” Linn tweeted. “God has blessed me with enough & enough is always enough. These charges must be dismissed as video clearly shows justified acts of self-defense. When dismissed, accusers should be held accountable & they should pay.”

All three of the agitators shot by Rittenhouse had criminal records for crimes such as sexual abuse of a minor, domestic abuse, and gun offenses.

Agitators in Kenosha took to the streets Wednesday night for the fourth night in a row, marching through residential areas, honking vehicle horns, screaming through bullhorns and shining lasers into houses to wake up the neighborhood.

” I will do what I can but we must ALL do whatever we can to #FightBack,” Lynn declared in a tweet Thursday. “This is going to get worse before it gets better. We are ALL in this together. Pray for Kyle Rittenhouse. Pray for our country.”


Wood posted an update on Twitter Thursday afternoon announcing that the Rittenhouse family had been contacted and “help is on the way.”

“Kyle will have excellent legal representation,” Wood tweeted. “We owe him a legal defense.”

The attorney went on to beckon conservatives “to continue to pray for your fellow citizens.”

“Pray for our President. Pray for our country,” Wood wrote. “And always, always, always #FightBack. We will not go quietly in the night. We are Americans.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Lin Wood” by L Lin Wood, PC. 
















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2 Thoughts to “Sandmann Lawyer L. Lin Wood Offers to Represent 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Pro Bono”

  1. Dave

    Kyle Rittenhouse will be the next icon for the true conservatives who stand for law & order. Instead of charging him with 1st degree murder, they should be presenting him with a medal for taking criminals off the streets. We need more like him since we can’t depend on police in Libtard-run cities to protect citizens & private property.

  2. Mike Johnson

